Breakfast meal prep is a great way to set your healthy eating habits for the day, especially if you are in a rush in the morning. Check out our top healthy breakfast meal prep ideas below:
Lunch meal prep is a great way to save yourself from buying last minute meals from overpriced cafes when you have a busy week at work. Check out our top lunch meal prep recipes below:
Dinner meal prep is a great way to make the most of your evening, especially if you have a busy work life. Avoid last minute cooking dilemmas and free up your time for more valuable activities like exercising, hanging out with friends or just relaxing. Check out some of our top picks below for easy to prep batch cook meal ideas:
Green Chef recipe boxes allow you to plan your recipes up to four weeks in advance, plus because all the ingredients arrive pre-proportioned, not only will you save on waste, but you can enjoy a more varied diet than with a classic meal prep because you don’t have to bulk buy ingredients. Whether you’re looking for high protein meal prep, keto meal prep ideas or vegan and vegetarian meal prep, Green Chef has you covered.
For more healthy meal prep ideas check out our meal plans.